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**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with mortgage assistance negotiations. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information found on this page should be considered as opinion and not fact based on our experience with lenders over 10+ years. Consult your mortgage servicer directly or a professional before using any of the information found on this site. If you are seeking an intermediary to assist you in getting help with your mortgage you may contact us at 888-934-3444 or via email at [email protected] for further review for a no fee, no obligation, consultation. If required you may be referred to a local professional or legal counsel for additional assistance with your mortgage. Please read through our Disclaimer page for additional details. We do not represent in any way any financial institution named on this page. If you feel that any of this information has become outdated or is incorrect please contact us immediately.**
Wilshire Credit Corporation Affects Transunion Credit Report
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Transunion Credit Errors Persist
Wilshire Credit Corporation has been out of business for a while now but they are still affecting many of their former client’s credit reporting. While their company failure is common knowledge clients have advised that Transunion is refusing to remove the lines of credit from their history.
Erroneous Negative Credit Reporting Impact
When brought to Transunion attention they advised that they required something from Wilshire Credit Corporation, the now defunct company, to provide them a statement that they no longer service the loan even though their loan showed a zero balance. Even after Bank of America provided them a Welcome Letter showing that they took over the loan Transunion would not move it from the client’s credit report.
How To Sue A Credit Reporting Agency?
While suing a credit reporting agency since the Equifax breach seems all the rage you need to show that you attempted to have the issue corrected. If you’ve notified a credit reporting agency about erroneous information and they refuse to change your history you may be a candidate to take legal action. If you or a loved on has been affected by incorrect credit reporting call us for a free consultation at 888-934-3444.