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**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with mortgage assistance negotiations. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information found on this page should be considered as opinion and not fact based on our experience with lenders over 10+ years. Consult your mortgage servicer directly or a professional before using any of the information found on this site. If you are seeking an intermediary to assist you in getting help with your mortgage you may contact us at 888-934-3444 or via email at [email protected] for further review for a no fee, no obligation, consultation. If required you may be referred to a local professional or legal counsel for additional assistance with your mortgage. Please read through our Disclaimer page for additional details. We do not represent in any way any financial institution named on this page. If you feel that any of this information has become outdated or is incorrect please contact us immediately.**

Bank of America Deed In Lieu Application, Forms And Packages

Deed In Lieu Package PDF

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Take the first step to getting started on your deed in lieu. Download Forms Here.

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Bank of America Home Loans RMA Deed Lieu Foreclosure Package Forms

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Bank of America Home Loans Deed Lieu Foreclosure Application

Step 1: Fill Out Bank of America Deed In Lieu Forms

Find out why no one knows more than we do.

What is Bank of America Deed In Lieu Package?

Bank of America Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure Request For Mortgage Assistance (RMA)

While applying for a deed in lieu of foreclosure doing a Deed In Lieu Application Form or Request For Mortgage Assistance (Bank of America RMA) is required by Bank of America and their investor (the beneficiary of the note). In order to start the first step towards getting to deed your home back to the beneficiary, all documents must be completed correctly. It is recommended to check with an expert or even your Bank of America single point of contact because Bank of America has their package changed at any time and their investor might require specific documentation as well. It is necessary to find a right professional dealing with Bank of America and their deed in lieu of foreclosure process because you should be able to avoid many of the foreseeable pitfalls that come with the application of deed in lieu process. That’s why we put the latest paperwork we could find online to help us. Helping you through the process is what we do. We offer a done for your service. Click here and fill out the form to request a call from a deed in lieu professional or call 888-934-3444.

What is the Deed In Lieu Bank of America Hardship Affidavit?

Bank of America Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure Hardship Letter

Bank of America has a hardship affidavit (or statement) built into their mortgage assistance application (Bank of America RMA),

Pro Tip: when reviewing your application to deed the property back to them, Bank of America may require you to attempt to sell the home first. This used to be a requirement but has been more flexible over the recent years.

What Is A Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure?

Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure Definition

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a form for foreclosure alternative that allows the homeowner to walk away from their property and give it back to their lender either because they don’t want to go through the hassle of selling the home or because they have tried and have not been able to do so.

Step 2: Submit Bank of America Deed in Lieu Package

Thoroughly review your documents. The wrong information can hurt you!

Bank of America Deed In Lieu Submittal

Submitting Your Deed In Lieu Package toBank of America To Get The Process Going.

What is in the Bank of America Assistance Package?

Bank of America, all require pretty much the same documentation. It does not matter how much you want to avoid it in many cases they will require a listing agreement to see you’ve attempted to sell the home for more than 90 days and that’s only the beginning.

At some time they, they require you to provide your financial information such as a monthly budget, your tax returns for the last two years along with a 4506t to show the returns were actually filed, pay stubs or proof of income like a profit and loss, bank statements, reason for requiring to do a deed in lieu, and a hardship letter.

Pro Tip: In most cases working with a skilled team such as ours should be able to pick out the items that will most likely be asked of by your lender and more important which items will not. The moment your lender has to requested items from you it’s likely they passed over your deed in lieu application when the process could have continued. Now you’re going to have to wait for it to be your turn again.

Step 3: Bank of America Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure Broker's Price Opinion (BPO) or Appraisal


Bank of America Deed In Lieu Value

Getting The Correct Value Goes A Long Way.

For a  deed in lieu process to be completed with your servicer (Bank of America) you must know how much your home is worth and that is by completing a valuation of the property. The value in most cases is completed by a real estate agent/broker or appraiser who reviews the comparables in the area to establish what the home is worth. In a valuation process properties that had sold and are on sale, both are reviewed.  Generally they want to see the homes that have sold within the last 3 to 6 months but this depends on the volume of homes actively moving in your local market. They consider your homes perceived condition, the size of the living space,  how many stories it has, the size of the lot and whether or not it has a pool.

They will also consider market conditions and how fast homes are selling in the area. There are many factors they take into consideration which is why they hire a local professional rather than go online and use something like Zillow or Redfin.

Bank of America Deed In Lieu Appraisal

Deed In Lieu Appraisal Values

Mortgages have different investors. Bank of America   is responsible for representing the correct values to those investors so they can make their final decisions. Bank of America loan’s beneficiary is already going to be taking a loss so in most cases they will hire a local agent or broker to do a value referred to as a BPO or Broker’s Price Opinion because it’s cheaper than an appraisal. That will not always work though. In certain cases the mortgage investor requires a deeper review to be completed by a licensed appraiser and one that is often certified by that investor to complete values as per their guidelines. Real Estate Appraisers are licensed specifically to value homes where as agents can give their opinions (hence Broker’s Price Opinion) but that can almost always be over turned by an appraisal. Some investors such as Fannie Mae (FNMA) complete two appraisals. The type of value completed varies from servicer to servicer and investor to investor.

Bank of America Value Disputes and Variances

Fighting Values, Disputing Them and Requesting Variances

Sometimes a value return too high or too low? This happens all the time and it can happen to a novice or a true professional. One reason could be that they are not from the area and compare properties that don’t have anything in common with the subject property it does not matter how much you may try to meet with the BPO Agent or the Appraiser.  At this time you can provide a competing appraisal or set of comparables but choosing the right properties to compare is a skill set on its own. Call us today at 888-934-3444 and we’d happy to discuss any hold ups you may be experiencing in your Deed in Lieu.

Pro Tip: Deed In lieu Value Variance is an opportunity to apply for a mortgage assistance servicer such as Bank of America to vary from their typical practices. Often values are good from the day they are completed for 90 days; Sometimes longer especially when it comes to a deed in lieu.

Step 4: Finalizing Deed In Lieu Terms


How Long Does An Bank of America Deed In Lieu Process Take

Bank of America‘s Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure Time Line Coming To An End.

Once the value has returned and they have a complete package this is where Bank of America‘s Deed In Lieu negotiator or underwriter makes the decision if you meet the minimum criteria to be submitted to management or the investor for approval. They will not submit anything they don’t feel will get approved by management and the investor because they get graded on their results. Often there are many layers before getting approved. An auditing process happens before the submission to management and if approved there is often another auditing process the occurs before an approval letter is issued to you the homeowner or the professional (such as our company) that is representing you.

Countering Terms of Bank of America's Deed In Lieu Offer

Bank of America Final Decision on the Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure

This is the time when Bank of America may issue a decline to your deed in lieu request. Combating either a decline or the terms offered to you can be difficult. There are three main parts to an approval that matter most to you, move out date, condition and what amount if any is allowed to go to you for relocation costs, and what is going to happen to the deficiency after the deed in lieu. The laws in different states may vary on whether or not they have the right to pursue you.  Factoring many of these issues takes a special set of skills that can only be gained through experience. Anyone can get the easy ones done but it’s the difficult transactions that separate that experts from the trainees.

Step 5: Deeding The Home Back To ACMortgage or The Investor or A Mortgage Insurance Company


Deed In Lieu Vacate Procedures

How quickly will I need to move out of my home?

Usually, 30 days will be given to moving out but that can often be negotiated and sometimes relocation money is offered which will change depending on how quickly you vacate the property. Deed in lieu is like closing a typical real estate transaction. Once all lien holders and any mortgage servicers have approved the terms of the deed in lieu you can move forward grant deeding the property back to whomever you are instructed to deed it over to. By now a title search has probably been run by your lender as they will not want to take back possession of the property unless there are no longer any liens.

Deed In Lieu time to vacate extensions

Bank of America Issues Deed in lieu Extension

Sometimes, we get a question from the client that what will happen if he will be unable to leave home in time and the approval letter expires? The answer depends on many factors whether the value they have on file for your home has expired and various other hurdles. You can consult with one of our experts to see if you need more time and to see if you can get an extension or if you will have to start the process all over again. Bank of America’s Management will be one of the challenges ahead of you. Results may vary greatly but the best part of our services is we only get paid if the transaction successfully closes! Call us today for more information about our “Done For You” services. Call 888-934-3444 or email us at [email protected]

Pro Tip: Deed in lieu of foreclosure may effect your credit worse than doing a short sale. It is still better than a foreclosure on your credit but lenders that might lend to you in the future might say it’s as close to as bad for your report. At least a deed in lieu shows you didn’t have any other options and you didn’t fight them but this varies from case to case.

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How Does ACG Get Paid?

Absolute Consultant Group (ACG) handles the process of applying to your mortgage lender for deeding back your property. We streamline the process for you. ACG doesn’t charge upfront which is a good thing but did you know in the case that Bank of America doesn’t approve the transaction we don’t get paid a dime. In some cases the lender will even pay our fee. It’s a no risk opportunity to work with the right team to help you with your mortgage. Call for details 888-934-3444.

Understanding The Bank of America Deed In Lieu Status

If there’s anything you can take away from the process you may already be aware from the Bank of America Deed In Lieu Application is a lengthy document. Bank of America hasn’t simplified the process much better either. To make your life easier ACG has put in the time and the efforts to offer you a streamline process of application for the deed in lieu with a few steps as possible in order to reach your mortgage assistance goals.

Assistance For Bank of America In America

Locally founded here in the USA our company becomes your single point of contact for all of your Bank of America challenges.  With us you get someone here in the states to work with. You and your Bank of America with ACG are in good hands. When you work with Absolute Consultant Group for all your lender needs we become your one stop shop for working with Bank of America‘s deed in lieu process or any other mortgage assistance programs from start to finish.

Call Us 888-934-3444 Today.

Bank of America Deed in Lieu Package Breakdown

What is the Bank of America Deed In Lieu Package?
Bank of America require an Bank of America Deed In Lieu Package known as the Bank of America Request for Mortgage Assistance (Bank of America RMA) to be completed in order to apply. It’s important to always use the most up to date paperwork when applying; Always check with a professional. The paperwork we last found was put up on the Absolute Consultant Group (ACG) Website. ACG helps homeowners with their Bank of America deed in lieu process.

There are 7 Sections to the standard Bank of America deed in lieu forms.

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BAC Deed In Lieu RMA Forms PDF Breakdown:

Hardship Letter Affidavit 

Application Check List

  1. Borrower Information This section requires the complete information of the borrower.
  2. Property Details You will have to put all the details of the property in this section for which the mortgage is.
  3. Hardship Information This section requires the details ofthe hardship which the consumer is facing and the type of hardship.
  4. Borrower Income You will have to put the complete income details of the borrower.
  5. Current Borrower Assets This section will require the complete details of the assets currently owned by the borrower.
  6. Borrower Certification Agreement This section lists the terms and conditions for your application for mortgage assistance.
  7. 4506T – The final document in the whole page is the 4506-t which is used in order to verify the tax returns that you provided.  Make sure to follow the directions thoroughly.

Bank of America Is Difficult. Don't Go It Alone. Professionals Standing By.


Disclaimer: Using The Wrong Form May Lead To A Denial

We provide mortgage servicers mortgage assistance package, forms, and applications to for educational purposes only. This is a sample document used to obtain mortgage assistance relief workout programs with your mortgage servicer. Prior to completing the form contact your (your client's) Mortgage's servicing department OR one of our professionals at 888-934-3444 to make sure they are sending the right loan modification or short sale package. Your home loan servicer, whether dealing with a Home Loan Modification or Short Sale (mortgage settlement, short pay off or discounted payoff) RMA Package offered on this website may not be the correct package depending on your investor. By downloading this RMA (Request for Mortgage Assistance) from our website does not guarantee loan modification assistance or any other mortgage relief programs to try to avoid foreclosure through mortgage servicer, its agents, employees, affiliates or subsidiaries. Prior to the use of any documents you should consult an attorney.

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