Information Disclaimer: Not Your Loan Servicer (Read More)

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with mortgage assistance negotiations. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information found on this page should be considered as opinion and not fact based on our experience with lenders over 10+ years. Consult your mortgage servicer directly or a professional before using any of the information found on this site. If you are seeking an intermediary to assist you in getting help with your mortgage you may contact us at 888-934-3444 or via email at [email protected] for further review for a no fee, no obligation, consultation. If required you may be referred to a local professional or legal counsel for additional assistance with your mortgage. Please read through our Disclaimer page for additional details. We do not represent in any way any financial institution named on this page. If you feel that any of this information has become outdated or is incorrect please contact us immediately.**

Planet Home Lending, LLC.

About Planet Home Lending, LLC.

Planet Home Lending, LLC provides mortgage lending services. They offer services like home equity line of credit, adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), pay option ARM, balloon loans, and interest only loans. They also provides various business services, including private label servicing, automated new loan boarding and review, monthly billing statements, year-end reporting, early stage delinquency counseling, loss mitigation services, complete foreclosure and bankruptcy process management, senior lien tracking, and state compliant release and assignment processing.  In addition to these services, they offer technology solutions which include a servicing platform, loan boarding, blitz docs, a reporting tool, electronic check clearing, software to automate lien release/assignment processing, payment by phone, and automatic monthly payments; vendor automation solutions; homeowner’s assistance. As there are a lot of types of services provided by the company it can get confusing to select the right kind of service which is why here at Absolute Consultant Group we specialize in getting you to the right place to find the mortgage assistance relief services you need. You can call us 7 days a week at 888-934-3444 for immediate assistance with their mortgage.

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Planet Home Lending, LLC Servicing Complaints

Planet Home Lending customers complain about their customer servicing department that the staff is either rude or illiterate.

Top 3 Planet Home Lending Customers Complaints:

Here are the things that most people complain about.

  1. Planet Home Lending, LLC customers complain that when they call the customer services department they do not give straight answers and are very rude.
  2. Customers complain that the company loses their paper work and their filing system is not very good and often the company loses their payments.
  3. Planet Home Lending, LLC Mortgage Assistance Package can be Difficult To Understand. Facing the facts, the forms can be confusing and extraordinarily Lengthy. The more words you see on the page the less you want to do it but it’s crucial to getting mortgage relief assistance. If you have any questions with your planet home Mortgage Assistance package call us at 888-934-3444

Where is Planet Home Lending Headquarters?

CitiMortgage main headquarters is in Meridan, Connecticut.

Planet Home Lending Mailing Address

321 Research Parkway Suite 303

Meriden, CT 06450

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See Planet Home Lending Headquarters?


Planet Home Lending Customers

As a Planet Home Lending customer knowing where to go is crucial.

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Planet Home Lending Assistance Relief Services

Difficulties Making Contact With Planet Home Lending? We Can Help!

One Contact To Us And You’re Never Chasing Them Down Again.

Planet Home Lending, LLC Mortgage Servicing Complaints and Reviews

[contact-form-7 id=”30224″ title=”Review Disclaimer”]

CitiMortgage 1 Star Review:

Horrible experience when our note came due. Was treated like a child from incompetent rude people. Made me jump thru hoops to gather tons of info just to be jerks and unsympathetic to my situation. We were always on time for payments. My husband lost his job and I became a caregiver for my parents. They rudely told me to get out and get a job and do a short sale on my home. All we wanted was a temporary reduction in our 2715.00 monthly payment to get on our feet. Made us feel like we were idiots! They have no compassion for anyone and didn’t even try to help in any way. The most horrible act that committed was all the time and calls they made me go thru before totally rejecting any help for us.

Michelle, Glen Ellyne, IL

CitiMortgage 1 Star Review:

We have had a house on a short sale in NM due the crash in the housing market out there. Well, the first buyer hung on for two months, but Citibank could not somehow come up with the Lien Release that they should have acquired when they took the loan over. Then our second buyer waited for ONE YEAR and still, Citi never got the required lien release stating they were having trouble locating the document and got their legal dept involved.

After the second buyer dropped the sale, which I could not blame them, the third buyer signed on for 45 days only. I called the title company that should have had the lien release, I secured it within 5 minutes sent the copy to CitiMortgage AND their attorneys and STILL the sale did not go through and we lost our third buyer.

Lynn, Gainesville, FL

Stay Out Of The Red With ACG.


Stay Out Of The Red With ACG.


CitiMortgage Star Review:

My mom has spent almost 3 years trying to get loan modified after the death of my father. She had to undergo repetitive processes of submitting paperwork only to be told to submit to different department. They secretly tried to begin foreclosure after my mom went through the bankruptcy process, but was interrupted when we hired an attorney. Even with legal assistance, they are stalling and has sent her account to a debt collection company. I am confident that if they’ve done this to us, they have done this to others.

Michelle, Ocala, FL

CitiMortgage 1 Star Review:

I was needing to refinance my home w/ CitiMortgage due to reduced wages and medical issues due to being hit by a drunk driver. I had a credit score of 798. CitiMortgage took over 7 months for this refinance, had instructed me to not make a payment given the home was being refinanced (yes, I have all documentation). The refinance resulted in my 30-year loan turning to a 40-year loan that equated to a $170.00 reduction; they refused to even give the current mortgage rate. I consulted w/ my accountant and he had said to be careful w/ Citi; if your home is worth more than the mortgage balance, they will swindle you to a short sale and lose everything. I then get a letter from Citi stating they would be selling my home in the “short sale” fashion..

D, Colorado Springs, CO

ACG 5 Star Review:

Tried modifying my mortgage loan on my own, twice actually, but no luck. Until I called ACG. [I] got my loan mod approved and all is well.

Michael, Woodland Hills, CA

ACG 5 Star Review:

We were struggling trying to get assistance in keeping our home for over a year when I was introduced to ACG Today both my homes are modified and our family has a chance for a fresh start.

Patricia, Porter Ranch, CA

ACG 5 Star Review:

I have worked with [the] team personally and professionally referring them many clients over the past few years. If you need help with a loan modification, short sale, or want to avoid foreclosure I highly suggest you use Absolute Consultant Group!

Daniel, Santa Clarita, CA

ACG 5 Star Review:

These guys are amazing. Just closed a short sale with them. [They were] responsive and fast from start to fininsh. We hit the deadline a couple times and they were able to get extensions granted. Tons of paperwork in a short sale with unforgiving timelines and strict criterias. I’m glad I had these guys on my side. Highly recommended.

Hyle, Sacramento, CA

Planet Home Lending Assistance Relief Just Got Easier. Find Out Why Everyone Else Is Talking About ACG.


Planet Home Lending Assistance Relief Just Got Easier. Find Out Why Everyone Else Is Talking About ACG.


Planet Home Lending Mortgage Related News

Planet Home Lending Foreclosure Process

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...

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Planet Home Lending Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...

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Planet Home Lending Mortgage Rate Too High? See If Today Is Your Day To Make a Switch.


Planet Home Lending Mortgage Rate Too High? See If Today Is Your Day To Make a Switch.


Planet Home Lending Headquarters Map

Planet Home Lending Headquarters

CitiMortgage is based out of Urbandale, Iowa.

Select Portfolio Servicing Deed In Lieu Application, Forms And Packages

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with...

Select Portfolio Servicing (SPS) Foreclosure Process

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...

Select Portfolio Servicing (SPS) Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...