Short Sale Help
It’s Like We’re Practically Free! No Out Of Pocket Cost.
Our Fees Paid By The Lender.*
Short Sale Forms
Short Sale Negotiators. We're On Top.
Easiest Short Sale Help
Our Short Sale Assistance Process Is One Of The Smoothest And Easiest In The Industry:
- We Get Your Property Listed With A Local Agent
- We Review Offers And Choose One.
- We Submit Your Short Sale Package
- Property Valuation (Certain Investors Require Two Interior Inspections)
- Negotiate Terms With Your Short Sale Lender(s) About The Fees And Costs To Be Paid Out (This Includes Our Fees – No Costs To You!).
- Short Sale Approval Is Issued By Your Lender(s).
- Done! Standard Escrow Process Begins.
We’ve all heard the stories. Lost paperwork, foreign call centers, and mean banksters who just don’t care about the families behind the loans.
In comes Absolute Consultant Group (ACG) a family of agents, attorneys, and professionals who cares about you. With over a decade in the business we’ve helped thousands of homeowners and professionals make their way through the short sale process with their banks. Our industry leading systems, our 1000+ contacts, and in depth knowledge is why our short sale help is used by the top agents and brokers in the United States. Need help on your short sales? Done! You’ve made it and there’s no reason to go anywhere else.
What Are You Waiting For?
Why Use Us?
When dealing with your lender Short Sale timelines vary in some very basic and other not so basic elements. Thats where our expertise comes in.
- For one, What you don’t know can hurt you. We can often see the pitfalls that have affected others before you. There is something to be said that experience can make all the difference in your success rate.
- Additionally, what affects the timeline of the short sale help is whether or not your loan has a sale date. No one has more experiencing stopping foreclosure sales and escalating to upper management and executives than we do. With thousands of contacts at hundreds of lenders and investors we give you the greatest chance to survive a foreclosure and avoid a bankruptcy.
- Finally, not all negotiators are good negotiators. This goes for both sides; The person at the bank but also the person representing you. Did you know that the number one reason short sales fail is miscommunication? In the banking world this can lead to certain failure and often does. People underestimate how very specialized this niche of representing homeowners in front of Financial Corporations is in seeking mortgage relief assistance.
Short Sale Help Conclusion: Your short sale’s results will vary based on many factors. Some you can’t control such as your lender’s goals, property values, your credit score and others. The decision to work with the right team though is something you can control.
Our fees are paid by the lender. What do you have to lose? Call us now for your free consultation and see how we can help simplify this rather difficult process.
Find Out What You've Been Missing. It Doesn't Have To Be A Struggle. Be The Next Homeowner Helped!
Why Do Homeowners Choose ACG For Their Short Sales?
- Stability – Over A Decade in the business! We are not a fly by night operation and we’re not going to disappear on you like many of our competitors.
- Knowledgeable – Founded by a former Account Manager for a national mortgage servicer coupled with our experience with thousands of homeowners gives us an edge over the average broker, attorney or real estate professionals on sheer volume alone.
- Customer Service – People love working with our staff because of our friendly attitudes and our going the extra mile for our clients.
- Network – You don’t just wake up one day and start working with many of the top Agents in America. They know quality when they see it and they are ready to work with you too.
- Contacts – Did we mention that we have over 1000+ contacts at hundreds of servicers? We do and in any business it’s often about who you know.
Don’t take our word for it. Check out our 5 Star Ratings for Short Sale Help on Yelp!
When your dealing with one of the most important events of your life you want to know you want to be working with someone that you can trust. It’s time to let go, you’re in good hands, Call us at 888-934-3444.

Why Do Some OF The Top 1% Of Real Estate Brokers Use Vendors Like Us. Simple: Time Is Money. Need More?
Why Have Brokers, Attorneys and Pros Used ACG For Their Short Sales?
- Ease Of Use – In an already complicated business this is one area where we take on the heavy lifting.
- Streamline – After our volume of experience we’ve got the paperwork in line to get started quickly, the contacts to process the deal smoothly, and the know how to catch the mistakes that otherwise kill deals.
- Customer Service – People love working with our staff because of our friendly attitudes and our going the extra mile for our clients.
- Front-Line Support – You’re not alone any more. We’re in the trenches with you. If you’re out, for any reason, we’re still around to make sure the job gets done.
- Contacts – Did we mention that we have over 1000+ contacts at hundreds of servicers? We do and in any business it’s often about who you know.
Don’t take our word for it. Check out our 5 Star Ratings for Short Sale Help on Yelp!
When your time is too valuable to sit behind a desk and you know what you don’t know can hurt your bottom line. Do what over 500 real estate professionals know. ACG’s team is that someone that you can trust your clients with.
It’s time to let go, you’re in time table to close just got shorter, Call us at 888-934-3444.
Have A Short Listing? Started On The Right Foot. As Easy As Clicking Send.
Are you in contact with a homeowner who is owes more than they can sell their home for? Do you need to look like you’ve done this before? Our specialist can tell you what you need to get going fast. Email us at [email protected] and let us know who the seller’s lender is and we’ll get you help to get started with the right documents and procedures.
If Your Short Sale Was Declined There May Still Be Options.
Short Sale Decline? We can review it.
When you deal with a lender there is a frequency of erroneous short sale declines that occur. Analyzing why they decline as short sale is almost as important finding another buyer. Many times you can negotiate around the perceived reasons for a decline. Have us review your declined short sale for free by calling us at 888-934-3444.
Home Mortgage Short Sale Reviews
Lender Short Sale Complaints
Mortgage servicers are in business to make money. They are there to protect their investors but at the same time they often don’t provide good customer service which is they they can turn an already difficult situation into a nightmare. Here are some examples of reviews and complaints about major loan servicers and some raving reviews of our customers.
Lender 1 Star Review:
I called in several times and it would take VERY long to even be allowed to talk about the account. I am filing a notice with the CFPB.
Lender 1 Star Review:
They cite their internal procedures for this denial of service which goes completely against my loan agreement and they don’t care.
Don't Be A 1 Star Review
Don't Be A 1 Star Review
Lender 1 Star Review:
Ocwen was not our original loan company, and after the housing market crash a few years ago they purchased our loan. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Since they purchased our loan we get a letter that states that we have an escrow shortage in our account.
1 Star Situations Happen Every Day
ACG 5 Star Review:
Tried modifying my mortgage loan on my own, twice actually, but no luck. Until I called ACG. [I] got my loan mod approved and all is well.
ACG 5 Star Review:
We were struggling trying to get assistance in keeping our home for over a year when I was introduced to ACG Today both my homes are modified and our family has a chance for a fresh start.
ACG 5 Star Review:
I have worked with [the] team personally and professionally referring them many clients over the past few years. If you need help with a loan modification, short sale, or want to avoid foreclosure I highly suggest you use Absolute Consultant Group!
You Know You can't Chance Being A 1 Star Review.
ACG Specialist Here To Help Your Short Sale Process.
You Know You Can't Chance Being A 1 Star Review.
Short Sale Assistance News
360 Mortgage Short Sale
**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...
Selene Finance Short Sale
**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with...
Ocwen Loan Modification RMA Form Application Package
**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with...
*No upfront fees. 1% Gross Sale’s Price ($1500 minimum) service fees are generally paid out of the commissions awarded to the real estate agent(s). Fees may vary. Party responsible for paying the fee may be assigned. Speak to our representatives for details. Call 888-934-3444.