Paid Money Up Front For Help With Your Home? Get Money Back!

Get Back Money!
Have you paid someone upfront for a loan modification? We have access to top mortgage litigation law firms who will take action to pursue who they can to get you money back! We work on contingency and only get paid on results.
Any Up-Front Fees
Anyone who has paid money upfront for assistance can apply. This is applicable to not just modifications to call to inquire with our staff for further details. We are always ready to help you!
People’s Advocates
We have decided to not stand by idoly while homeowners are being taken advantage of. We have helped more homeowners get the satisfaction that they did everything they could than any other company in real estate.
Our Promise
In a business where people are often taken advantage of we pride on setting ourselves apart with our second to none customer service and industry knowledge. There is never a phone call that ends where our clients don’t feel better off and more educated on their approach than when the call first started.