Avoiding foreclosure may seem to be an impossible task for many borrowers. For an average homeowner, foreclosure brings in a lot of embarrassment and can also be responsible for making a negative credit report for you. Therefore, it is every homeowner’s choice to...
Foreclosure: Legal Work or Short Sale? The economic crisis is rolling over millions of people and creating big financial issues for them. As a result, we are still going through a similar situation that we underwent in the 2008 mortgage crisis. There are houses that...
Loan Modification Request Is Rejected everything works out smoothly and you get a chance to save your home. However, it is to be understood that this would not be the case always and you might have to worry about foreclosure still. The lender may reject your...
Tips For Home Loan Modification Loan modification is emerging as the number one option for avoiding foreclosure of the house. Most of the homeowners go through some or the other kind of financial hardships and they also have their homes mortgaged with a lender. In...
Be Cautious During A Short Sale A short sale is the most lucrative option for the homeowners who have just received a foreclosure notice. However for numerous others who are suffering from the woes of short sale, a word of caution becomes necessary. Millions of people...