Information Disclaimer: Not Your Loan Servicer (Read More)

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. We are a homeowner advocacy group with more than a decade of helping homeowners and professionals with mortgage assistance negotiations. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information found on this page should be considered as opinion and not fact based on our experience with lenders over 10+ years. Consult your mortgage servicer directly or a professional before using any of the information found on this site. If you are seeking an intermediary to assist you in getting help with your mortgage you may contact us at 888-934-3444 or via email at [email protected] for further review for a no fee, no obligation, consultation. If required you may be referred to a local professional or legal counsel for additional assistance with your mortgage. Please read through our Disclaimer page for additional details. We do not represent in any way any financial institution named on this page. If you feel that any of this information has become outdated or is incorrect please contact us immediately.**

America’s Servicing Company (ASC) Loan Modification

Get Help With Your ASC Mortgage Loan Modification

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Get Help With Your ASC Mortgage Loan Modification

Talk To A Specialist Who Knows How To Deal With An ASC Mortgage.
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America‘s Servicing Company (ASC) Mortgage Loan Modification Process

America‘s Servicing Company (ASC) Loan Modification process is similar to that of ASC as it serves as a division of Wells Fargo but as is in every case every company’s modification timeline varies:

  1. Phone Interview With ASC If you have yet not been assigned to the ASC home preservation department that is the forst step. The loan modification review process starts with the home preservation department.
  2. Mortgage Assistance Application Submission ASC has a package that must be correctly filled for the modification. While most banks call that the Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA) Forms And Package Of Paperwork, ASC Home Mortgage has the Mortgage Assistance Application which requires the borrowers to provide their complete finances as well, additional information and the supporting documents.
  3. ASC Mortgage’s BPO  (Broker’s Price Opinion) In some cases the property has to be valued. ASC is known for often just using an Automated Valuation Model (AVM).
  4. Negotiations Anyone who has been through the loan modification process with the ASC knows that is difficult, while the terms are being reviewed, it is great to have the right team on your side to help you negotiate the numbers they are using for their review before they are sent off to underwriting for final review of any proposed loan modification approval.
  5. Modification Approval/Decline The final step is getting an answer. ASC is generally working on behalf of an investor and when you get a response it’s usually the beneficiary that made the final decision.

It’s actually sad that the process is never this easy as much as we like it to be so. Even you can tell by looking at the steps that even these steps have their hurdles. At Absolute Consultant Group (ACG) we support homeowners through the loan modification process with their mortgage servicer. While dealing with the Loan Modification process of ASC it is pretty normal to get the runaround between the departments. Sending documents more than once is also very normal.  When dealing with any large corporation getting transfered from department to department or location to location is a normal affair. ASC Mortgage Loan Modifciation Department (Loss Mitigation) might transfer you to the ASC Home Loan Customer Service Department and then you might find that they are sending you back again. Rather then Submitting the wrong information on your application, getting denied, getting stuck in the re-entry department and not being able to figure out what happened, coming to our staff can help you avoid a lot of heartache. Our staff is available to review your paperwork and to help you step with the best foot forward. Call us at 888-934-3444.

ASC Mortgage Loan Modification Timeline

There is nothing new in corporations and bureaucracy; ASC is only a mortgage services and is always representing debt on the investor’s behalf. As such, ASC Mortgage’s Loan Modification timelines change based on some obvious things and other not so straight forward events. Here are a few of the reasons this question has such sticky answers.

  • For one, America’s Servicing Company is basically only a mortgage servicing company. As they are representing the debt on someone else’s behalf so it hugely limits the decision taking capability of ASC. Services follow a Pooling and Servicing Agreement (PSA) that governs every home mortgage. These agreements are between the service and each institution (investor) they represent. The PSA delegates certain decisions on behalf of the investor and puts it in the hands of the service. The mortgage investor decides where the services is  not delegated (non-delegated) to make certain decisions. This means that for any loan modification term they want to to make they have to get approval from the investor. Certain investors like Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) often take the process of making decisions and do it themselves. In a heavily regulated business the more hands involved in each review the longer it takes leaving ASC with their hands tied.


  • Another issue, In the ASC loan modification process the timeline varies on where you fall in the line. The service is usually based on first come first serve basis. The company not necessarily has to go in the order the assistance applications are received but has to dynamically adapt to the environment as well. First come first serve workflow ends with the question the when is the customer’s foreclosure date. Anyone with an active foreclosure auction date has priority over those who don’t. Those with sale dates around the corner are generally pushed to the front of the line to be considered for mortgage relief assistance. The tough part is services, such as ASC, work in such a large volume that there is a foreclosure date for just about every day of the week. With the pressure mounting for homeowners and professionals alike due to the daily foreclosure auction sale dates ASC deals with what’s happening today or tomorrow and isn’t as concerned with working as quickly as you might want even if you have a sale date for next week. Remember this business is a first come first serve but it is also influenced by foreclosure status and proximity to the sale date.
  • Lastly, Every mortgage modification program is not a good program. The objective of the lender is to modify the loan in such a way that it fulfills their criteria as well as sits in with your affordability. There is more than one way to modify a mortgage and ASC looks at as many aspects as possible in order to modify your loan. The “waterfall” process is a well known approach where Wells Fargo will review your home loan for a modification by changing different factors and they go down the line. If the first one doesn’t work they will review you for the next one, and so on, until they find a mortgage solution that works. Departments due to this “waterfall” process are often very specialized so many times different represenatives handle different parts of the review. An example of this is how Loan modification negotiators review only loan mods while short sale negotiators only review short pays (discounted payoffs).


ASC Mortgage’s Home Loan Modification Timeline Conclusion: One of the first question that comes in your mind is that how long will it take? As much as it will be great for us as well as our clients to give our clients a specific timeline for the modification they vary so greatly from loan to loan. As discussed above decisions aren’t always made at the servicer level. It depends whether ASC can take the decision themselve or they have to send it out to the investor for review it makes a big difference. Again, if their modification review fits from the first plan you are analyzed for or it takes you till the 11th plan that will also affect your modification timeline. There are even factors outside just the banking systems which includes but is not limited to how fast they get property values from valuation companies, how many times they ask you to send documents via fax (legibly) and many other factors all effect the modification timeline for your ASC Home Mortgage Loan Modifiication to be reviewed.

If Your ASC Modification Has Been Denied. It May Not Be Too Late

Dealing With An ASC Mortgage Loan Modification Decline And The ASC Reentry Team


Has ASC declined your loan modification? Are you dealing with the Reentry Department? Well if you’ve been contacted either in writing or by your Home Preservation Specialist that they denied your loan modification or request for mortgage assistance you are not alone. ASC has one of the highest decline rates in the industry. This is where our specialized knowledge comes in. There may still be options for you but you have to act fast. In some cases you may only have a small window to appeal the process. Dealing with a Home Loan Modification Decline may be difficult and knowing what to ask may be confusing. That’s why understanding the details of all the plans and how that conflicts with your information is key. Here at ACG we have dozens of points we review in order to understand why your ASC Home Mortgage loan modification was rejected. Have us review your declined modification for free by calling us at 888-934-3444.

Additional ASC Loan’s Mortgage Contact Information

ASC Mortgage Customer Service

ASC Home Mortgage Complaints

ASC Home Mortgage Loan Modification Reviews

ASC Loan Modification Complaints

ASC is a large company and the rules are literally changing every day. There are a lot of departments and even more hands in the pot of each case that making it through the system can be a real drag. It doesn’t have to be though and that’s where we come in. Give us a call and see how we can help you with your loan modification. Call 888-934-3444.

ASC 1 Star Reviews

ASC 1 Star Review:

I have been with this company since 2006. When I refinanced, I really never needed them for anything because I was paying my mortgage with no issues. When I needed them, that’s when I found out how ridiculous their customer service was. I had to go thru hoops to get what I needed. I was in the process of selling my house and in most cases I had to pull teeth to get some help from them. They are not too cooperative at all. From 0 to 10, my recommendation is 2. This is where I stand now, and unless major overhaul of the way they conduct business takes place.

Ekrima, Arlington, TX

ASC 1 Star Review:

I have read everyone’s reviews and I know everything is true. This company is terrible, is the most NOT HELPFUL. I’m so sick of dealing with anyone from ASC as they are NOT helpful at all!!! Was anyone able to get out of ASC Mortgage and HOW??? My e-mail address is ** and I would love to hear from someone who was successful. This company NEEDS to be sued and their CEO/CFO jailed!!! My only hope is that karma will come around. I need help but never received any call or letter for nothing. I have this mortgage for many year. I lost my job. I have two tenant in eviction and this company never help me. Now I tried change my mortgage company but my credit is not good and I tried this company help for my rate but NOTHING. SOMEBODY CALL YOU ETC AND NEVER RECEIVED ANY CALLBACK.

Iedda, New Haven, CT

Don't Be A 1 Star Review

Don't Be A 1 Star Review

ASC 1 Star Review:

My husband and I have been trying to get a modification since 2011…. in 2014 we had to file for bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy was dismissed because ASC wouldn’t modify our payment which made our plan presented to the judge not feasible. All of us posting on here should get together and file a class action lawsuit. Anyone think this can be done. If so, we’re in!!

P.R, Exton, PA

1 Star Situations Happen Every Day

ACG 5 Star Reviews

ACG 5 Star Review:

Tried modifying my mortgage loan on my own, twice actually, but no luck. Until I called ACG. [I] got my loan mod approved and all is well.

Michael, Woodland Hills, CA

ACG 5 Star Review:

We were struggling trying to get assistance in keeping our home for over a year when I was introduced to ACG Today both my homes are modified and our family has a chance for a fresh start.

Patricia, Porter Ranch, CA

ACG 5 Star Review:

I have worked with [the] team personally and professionally referring them many clients over the past few years. If you need help with a loan modification, short sale, or want to avoid foreclosure I highly suggest you use Absolute Consultant Group!

Daniel, Santa Clarita, CA

You Can't Chance Being A 1 Star Review.

ACG Specialist Here To Help Your ASC Mortgage.

You Know You Can't Chance Being A 1 Star Review.

ACG Specialist Here To Help Your ASC Home Mortgage.

ASC Home Loan Modification Mortgage News

America’s Servicing Company Foreclosure Process

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...

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America’s Servicing Company Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure

**We are not affiliated with any mortgage servicer, the investor/beneficiary of your mortgage note, the mortgage insurer (if applicable) or any government agency. The information found on this page is for educational and convenience purposes only. The information...

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